Princess Royal opens new Agriculture Building – University of Reading
21 March 2000HRH Princess Royal hails new £11 million Agriculture building as a shining example of investment in agriculture.
The Princess was speaking at the opening ceremony of the new building.
"We've progressed a long way since this University became such a specialist and has earned such a reputation and respect for its investment in the subject of agriculture and land use, and there are many countries around the world who will thank you for your continued investment in it." she went on to say.
The new development has provided top-notch facilties to a world class centre of research and teaching in Agriculture. The University's expertise encompasses the whole range of agricultural science and production.
During her visit the Princess Royal toured the building and met staff and students. She was shown aspects of agricultural research undertaken in the Faculty of Agriculture and Food, and some of the work of students including a project undertaken by a group of international students who undertook a marketing campaign for a new Just Juice cranberry product.
The new building currently houses the Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development and Rural Development and the Centre for Agricultural Strategy.
Work is currently under way on Phase 2 of the building, which will include lecture rooms and office space.
Visit the Department of Agriculture's website to learn more about the new building and agriculture at Reading.