Local pupils debate nuclear zones and Rooney clones at University of Reading! – University of Reading
09 July 2008Over 60 local schoolchildren donned their debating caps and headed to the University Of Reading recently to take part in 'The Great Debate', a fun and interesting forum to discuss important current issues such as the environment.
Organised by the University's Widening Participation Office (WPO) the event was part of the Independent and State School Partnership (ISSP) Reading Renewables Project, a government funded scheme to promote the use of renewable energy in schools.
Students from five schools discussed topics including GM Foods – sould pink brussel sprouts be on the school menu, Cloning – should Wayne Rooney be cloned ten times to improve the England Football Team and Nuclear Power – should Mr Burns be allowed to build a nuclear power plant in Reading!
In the morning the 13 and 14 year olds were put into teams to develop their arguments, each group ably assisted by a University of Reading student. A debate was then held in front of the other pupils who at the end of the day voted for or against each topic.
Geoff Hill, Head of Physics and Information and Communication Technologies at Kendrick School said: "This was an excellent event, brilliantly organised and chatting to the girls the next day one said how much she enjoyed the day, how beneficial it was and can't wait to do it again. It was so good to see the schools mixing together and getting on so well."
Dr Rachel South from the University's WPO said: "It was fantastic to see the pupils so enthusiastic and involved. The event was a perfect platform for them to gain fantastic experience in the art of debating as well as raising awareness of some of the important environmental issues of our time."
For more information about the University of Reading's Widening Participation Office, please email wideningparticipation@reading.ac.uk
or 0118 3786145
For all University of Reading media enquiries please contact James Barr, Press Officer tel 0118 378 7115 or email j.w.barr@reading.ac.uk
Notes for Editors:
The University of Reading's Widening Participation Office
The Independent and State School Partnership Project raises achievement and awareness of science and technology development through the exploration of renewable energy systems. This project involves trialling methods of environmental education linking various curriculum topics and disciplines and quantifying the benefits of small scale renewable energy sources for the benefit of the local community to make it more sustainable.
Schools involved in The Great Debate were: Reading Girls, Prospect, Leighton Park, Blessed Hugh Faringdon, and Kendrick