University announces its Whiteknights campus closure days for 2012
Release Date 27 November 2012
The University of Reading has announced that the Whiteknights campus will be closed for two days on 27 and 28 December 2012.
The University is required to undertake periodic temporary closures of its property to reinforce the fact that there are no public rights on the campus site other than the public footpath route (Earley Gate to Chancellor's Way on Shinfield Road).
The University has chosen two dates in December during the University holiday period to ensure the least possible disruption to the University's 3700 staff and 17,000 students.
The University is proud of the way in which the local community makes excellent use of everything that the University has to offer, including permissive access to the campus itself. We therefore regret any inconvenience caused over these two days to those members of our local community who, with the University's permission, enjoy walks on the beautiful campus.
The whole campus, with the exception of the public footpath which crosses the campus from Earley Gate to Shinfield Road, and the Sports Park, will be closed to everyone except authorised personnel. The Sports Park and its associated car park will remain open for staff, students and the local community as usual on these two days (12:00 - 20:00) and will be outside the campus closure zone.
Reading Buses will not access the campus on these two dates and will go round the outside of the campus along Pepper Lane and Shinfield Road. Clear signage will be in place at all normal pedestrian and vehicular access points, directing pedestrians to the public footpath, for those wishing to cross from one side of the campus to the other. There will be no access onto the campus from the footpath.
The public footpath crosses the campus between Earley Gate, via the lake at Friends Bridge, and and Shinfield Road (Chancellor's Way).