Researchers share findings on food and ageing at University of Reading event
Release Date 11 January 2013
More than 70 people attended an event at the University of Reading on Tuesday (8 January) that highlighted the latest research into how different approaches to food can improve the lives of older people.
NHS staff, health workers, academics, chefs, carers and members of the public attended the free Food and Nutrition in Later Life event, to share information about new technology and research into food and ageing.
Professor Rachel McCrindle, from the University of Reading's School of Systems Engineering, said: "It was a fantastic day. Everyone learnt something because there were so many different aspects of nutrition being discussed.
"It helped people to think about the importance of the whole process of food for older people - from food production and packaging to shopping and mealtimes, and their resultant health and wellbeing."
Professor McCrindle added that the conference, run through the KT-EQUAL network, was aimed at getting cutting-edge University research into food, health and technology to help make a difference to people's lives.
"It was aimed at lots of different levels - academics, practitioners, community groups and individuals," she said. "We've heard lots of people who have attended today saying they have been inspired to make changes to the way they view food and nutrition for the health of older people."
The event featured talks from experts on research related to ageing and eating well, including how flavour perception changes as we age, novel technologies to assess accurately what people eat and drink, and the design of more accessible packaging.
The afternoon featured an interactive hands-on showcase, with opportunities to participate in a session with a community chef, try some new technologies relating to shopping, packaging, and food preparation, and learn about related products and services for older adults.
For more information contact Pete Castle at the University of Reading press office on 0118 378 7391 or
Notes to editors:
The University of Reading is a world leader in research into food and health. Academics from a wide range of backgrounds, such as systems engineering, biological sciences, psychology and agriculture, work together on innovative research to help solve problems such as heart disease, obesity, dementia and securing global food supplies. Visit our research pages >>>