Reading in the news - 16 July
16 July 2019
Air turbulence: Further coverage of comments by Prof Paul Williams (Meteorology) about an Air Canada flight which encountered severe clear air turbulence, injuring a number of passengers in the New Zealand Herald, and the Chicago Tribune (not available in UK). Read our news story on Professor Williams’ research.
Ofsted criticism: Times Education Supplement carry a letter co-signed by Prof Karin Lesnik-Oberstein (English Lit) about overhauling Ofsted with a new school inspectorate.
Global climate change: Professor Mike Lockwood (Meteorology) is quoted in the Times (in print) on a study about global heat rise and cities.
Other coverage
- ITV Meridian spoke to VC Robert Van De Noort about the University’s consultation to develop plans on increasing environmental sustainability, and work more closely with other regional organisations.
- Prof Mike Fulford (Archaeology) spoke to BBC Berkshire (approx. 2hr 14 mins in) about the latest excavation of Silchester Roman town.
- Architects Journal feature a story about the URS building redevelopment in their weekly roundup (£).
- Business Magazine report that a UoR Law graduate Emily Riesco has joined local law firm Blandy & Blandy.