Reading in the News - 19 July
19 July 2019
Double rainbow!: Dr Rob Thompson (Met) spoke with BBC weather presenter Simon King on BBC Radio 5 Live about ‘supernumerary’ rainbows after King, a former UoR Meteorology student shared a picture of a ‘super bow’ on Twitter.
Ghetto: Prof Bryan Cheyette (English) writes for Times Higher Education (and in print) reviewing a book on ‘the black ghetto’ in the US.
Contrails: In an article for Yale University magazine, Prof Keith Shine (Met) spoke about how airplane contrails are contributing to climate change.
Other coverage
- Forbes covers research into the behaviour, and decline, of global pollinator populations using cloud technologies. The article notes that scientists from UoR who are involved in the project are using the data to inform global actions to save bees.
- Jon Foster-Pedley (Dean of Henley Business School Africa) writes for Daily Maverick on ethical leadership.
- BBC Shropshire covered a report by Dr Emma Gardner (Biological Sciences) about the widespread decline in adder numbers. Read about the report here.
- Further coverage of a new Henley Business School report on a four day week, in Recruitment International.