New Diversity and Inclusion elearning course
Friday, 26 April 2019
The University has a focus on ensuring we deliver a diverse, inclusive and thriving institution where all staff and students are inspired and supported. To help increase awareness about all the University’s activities and how colleagues can get involved, the University has invested in the development of a new elearning course, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Reading. The course was created in-house by People Development, allowing the content to be specifically tailored for the University. This was a joint project between People Development and the Deans for Diversity, with involvement from the Diversity and Equality Networks.
Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion replaces the previous course Equality and Diversity in the Workplace that was part of new starter training. While new starters are still the main focus of the training, we encourage all colleagues to complete the new course and become more familiar with Diversity & Inclusion activities at the University.
You can access the course here or contact People Development for more information.