Springboard Women's Development Programme
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
The Springboard Women's Development Programme enables women to take more control over their own lives and careers by identifying clear, practical and realistic steps that they want to take and developing the skills and confidence to take them. Springboard has been used successfully by over 230,000 women in over 40 countries.
Springboard is for women of all backgrounds, ages and stages of their life and combines the attendance of four full day workshops, completion of a workbook, networking and co-coaching. Each participant will set their objectives on the first workshop, which can be to do with work or their personal life.
Many women use the programme to get better results at work, such as new qualifications, aiming for a promotion, developing new skills or creating a new attitude to change. According to the Springboard Consultancy, 80% of participants report increased confidence/self-esteem as a result of undertaking this programme.
If you'd like to apply please email Steph Hayward in People Development (s.hayward@reading.ac.uk) and include the following:
- A short statement (up to 1 page maximum) explaining why you want to join the programme and what you hope to get out of it.
- A short statement from your line manager supporting your application and agreeing to your attendance on all four days and the follow-up day.
- Confirmation that you will be able to commit to attending the four workshops that will run on the following dates:
Cohort 12 (all 09:30-16:00):
- 30 April 2019
- 21 May 2019
- 18 June 2019
- 9 July 2019
The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 22 March 2019 for all hoping to take part in the programme.
Places are limited to 30 per cohort. We will be looking for a wide variety of participants at different stages of their careers from all areas of the University. If we are oversubscribed we will create a waiting list pending future programme dates being set.