Cole Museum closed for the summer
Wednesday, 10 July 2019
In anticipation of moving to the new Health and Life Sciences building in Spring 2020 the Cole Museum is closed to the public for the duration of the summer vacation. Access to the collection digitally is uninterrupted and access to the collection for purposes of research can continue but please contact the curator Prof Amanda Callaghan. The Museum will re-open in a reduced capacity during Welcome Week and stay open until the end of the Autumn term, at which point it will close permanently in its current location.
We have selected which specimens will be in the new Museum and are excited to be able to bring specimens out of storage for viewing to the public. Some already on display need to be removed from their current cases and packed carefully. To do this we need to open cases and work in the Museum area.
Moving a collection is not simply a case of packing items in boxes and moving. Prior to packing, specimens receive the exacting care that they need: fluid-preserved specimens may require topping up or fluid changes, broken lids need to be removed and new ones cut, jars may need cleaning and some specimens even require reattachment. Taxidermy specimens need a period in the freezer to kill any unwanted visitors. Skulls and skeletons on display will not have been cleaned or repaired for at least fifteen years and need a little extra care and attention. Fortunately, we have amazingly engaged undergraduate students and some are working with us voluntarily during the summer to help us with the packing.
Stay posted with Twitter (@ColeZoology, @ColeMM2019) for progress updates and sneak peeks at specimens to be displayed and thanks again to those of you who supported us to help Norman the elephant pack his trunk.