Hot weather: Guidance from Health & Safety Services
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Colleagues from our Health and Safety Services have prepared some guidance on dealing with the current hot weather:
For those working outdoors:
- Schedule working to earlier and cooler times of the day where possible.
- Consider reviewing the frequency of job rotation.
- Plan more frequent breaks.
- Stay hydrated, carry drinking water in vehicles or with work equipment.
- Apply a high factor sun scream (>SFP 15), avoid exposed skin, and wear a hat with a brim.
- Work in the shade if possible.
- Remove protective clothing during breaks to encourage cooling.
- Recognise the symptoms of heat stress: inability to concentrate, heat rash, severe thirst, giddiness, nausea, fainting, muscle cramps.
For those of working indoors in warm spaces
- Minimise the time spent in hot environments, e.g. glass houses, kitchens, roof spaces.
- If working in hot environments: plan more breaks and increase the frequency of job rotation.
- Stay hydrated by carrying drinking water or know of the nearest supply.
- Report heat stress to your line manager
For those of working in offices
- Reduce heat build-up: turn off any unnecessary electrical equipment (esp. power adaptors) when not in use, set your monitor to sleep after no more than 15 mins to reduce power consumption, switch off lighting when not needed, draw blinds to limit solar input and prevent glare to computer monitors.
- Increase ventilation: opening windows, open doors - fire doors must be shut when areas are unoccupied, or the fire alarm sounds, use fans provided – avoid trailing cables and trip hazards.
- Stay hydrated: regular drinks of cool water and take breaks away from your computer workstation.
Please turn off fans and close all open doors and window at the end of the working day for fire and security protection.
If you have any problems due to the heat stress, please contact your line manager.