Network Week - Staff Disability Network
Wednesday, 08 May 2019
Launched in October 2017, the Staff Disability Network is an inclusive support network for all colleagues with a range of disabilities, impairments and/or mental health conditions, as well as non-disabled colleagues with an interest in disability issues. The core principle of the network is one of equity. The network aims to promote an increased influence within the University of Reading, to make our community more inclusive to all staff members.
We caught up with network co-chairs Jason Green and Yota Dimitriadi to hear a bit more about the aims and work the group:
“Our network aims to give the disabled a voice by learning from other colleague’s experience to inform the University about more inclusive structures. This will provide a consultation group on matters such as management, HR and building works, to inspire culture change and raise awareness. Since its beginning the network has made positive steps in terms of processes but much work remains to be done.
“Our longer term (by 2026) goal is to raise disability representation above the national sector average. There is a perception that employing disabled people leads to an additional cost, but the reality is that inclusive structures benefit all colleagues.
“We work closely with the Deans for Diversity and Inclusion, particularly Simon Chandler-Wilde who we’d like to thank for his support.”
The next coffee morning will be on Wednesday 5 June, 11:30-13.00, Miller building G05, Whiteknights campus. Nicole Brown (UCL) will be the guest speaker: I don't have any role models" – How accessible is academia?
The network meets once per term and has a monthly newsletter. If you want to find out more, you can contact the network here.