News and events for the year 2020
- Springboard Programme - applications close on Friday
- New Change Team appointed
- Professor Ed Hawkins appointed MBE
- New Agriculture lab: work begins early January
- REF 2021: declare personal circumstances by 17 January 2020
- New Deputy VC and other changes
- Share your ideas with the VC
- Call-out for Public Art Commission
- Evaluation and Impact Framework: resources available
- Philip Lyle footpath closure
- University joining UK Reproducibility Network
- D&I priorities for 2020: message from Allan Laville
- T&L Conference: places still available
- New accessible Microsoft Word and Powerpoint templates
- Cole Museum closed for move
- Essential tree works
- Improving the student experience of feedback
- Research Engagement and Impact Awards 2020 are open for applications
- REF 2021: declare personal circumstances by 17 January 2020
- Applications invited for new Leadership programmes
- 2020 Travel Survey - have your say
- 3G pitch proposal public exhibition
- Emails: Stop. Check. Send
- Teaching and Learning Dean vacancy - Interim (6 months)
- Arts funding available from Senate Committee for the Arts
- PLanT Projects Scheme award winners 2019/20
- Professional Placement Year refreshers sessions
- Undergraduate of the Year Awards 2020
- University Collaborative Awards for Teaching & Learning 2020
- Places still available on new leadership programmes
- Health and Life Sciences building update
- Reminder: funding available from Senate Committee for the Arts
- Funding available for Erasmus staff programmes
- 2020 Travel Survey - have your say
- Research Endowment Trust Fund: funded projects announced
- Successful evaluation for NUIST Academy
- Audience wanted for Radio 4 quiz show
- New BAME Network at the University
- Changes to using reusable cups on campus
- Get Heard: training and personal development
- Chancellor's Awards 2018/19
- Holocaust Memorial Day
- Reading Film Theatre celebrates its 50th birthday
- It's Data Protection Day!
- Lunchtime seminars: (Dis)ability at the Centre
- University continues to be a Top 100 Employer
- New strategy: share your ideas by 31 January
- VC's information sessions: book your place
- Spotlight on Success: January 2020
- Brexit: Our commitment to global engagement
- Information on UCU industrial action
- Launch of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Projects Scheme
- What LGBT+ History Month means to me: Allan Laville
- University investments to be fossil fuel free
- UCU: update on national pay and pensions negotiations
- Final reminder: ideas wanted for Public Art Commission
- Teaching & Learning project updates
- Sustainable Fairphone now available
- Congratulations to our 2020 NTF and CATE nominees
- Staff networks on Microsoft Teams
- 2020 Teaching and Learning conference
- Wine and cheese tasting
- Wellbeing: get active and feel good!
- Events Highlights: February 2020
- Sign up to our Cycle2Work scheme
- Academic Tutor System mini-conference
- ISLI hosts delegation of academic staff from MGIMO
- IT is now Digital Technology Services
- Spring public lectures: self delusion and big bad tech
- Get Heard: collaborative working
- University Council: academic election result
- Volunteers needed for Summer Graduation
- Callmy Alert: test this week
- Ice House Cocktail Masterclass
- Louise Hague appointed interim Teaching & Learning Dean
- 'A conversation about Financial Sustainability': presentation available
- UCU industrial action: Message from the HR Director
- Fairtrade Fortnight: 24 February to 8 March
- Share your thoughts on collaborative working
- Staff Disability Network: plans for 2020
- University in talks to bring Hollywood to Reading
- Self Delusion: the surprising science of identity
- Simon Mortimer appointed Head of SAPD
- Celebrating our University Library
- Study@URS: Additional study space for the spring
- Wine and cheese tasting
- T&L Awards and funding schemes currently open
- Women in Sport: Overcoming and Succeeding
- Supporting Successful Learning in Schools online courses
- Student Experience now part of PVC (Education) role
- Wellbeing events on campus
- Spotlight on Success: February 2020
- Alumni public lecture: The Private Sector and Global Nutrition
- Looking after your wellbeing
- Promoting wellbeing through Community Art
- Events Highlights: March 2020
- University signs up to ethical electronics
- RISE: supporting diversity at Reading
- New LGBT Network Co-Chair
- Update on Coronavirus
- Celebrating International Women's Day
- University shortlisted for 'Best University Employability Strategy'
- Strategic Estates Manager wins coaching award
- Vice-Chancellor's February 2020 report to Senate
- UoR/Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Collaborative Innovation Fund
- JJ Thomson roof works from 14 March
- A strategic commitment to protecting our environment
- University seeking to appoint PVC (International)
- Staff Network social events
- Complete Teams Requirement Form
- Launch of University Teaching Fellowship Scheme 2019/20
- University achieves double ISO certification
- Apply for the RISE development programme
- RUSU Officers 2020/21
- Coronavirus update: message from Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- University Research Fellowships 2020/21: applications open
- Changes to sending UK mail
- Essential supplies at Park Market
- Health and Life Sciences building update
- Latest update from Deputy VC on coronavirus
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): update on working from home
- Message from Professor Dominik Zaum: update on home working transition
- VC video message to thank staff
- Prizes for outstanding early career research
- University publishes 2019 Gender Pay Gap Report
- REF 2021 - declaration of personal circumstances
- Saturday 21 March is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Coronavirus: working from home and other updates
- Staff networks still meeting
- Supporting local partners with COVID-19
- COVID-19 Research Grants and Contracts Update
- COVID-19: announcement of increased government restrictions
- REF 2021: Update on coronavirus contingency planning
- Advice on remote working from DTS
- Disclosing disability discussed at online coffee morning
- What's working like for you?
- COVID-19: building security update
- Volunteers to help NHS beat COVID-19
- Faster payments for smaller businesses
- Postal Services: revised services on campus
- Research Engagement and Impact Awards shortlist
- University awarded Athena SWAN Silver
- Take time to look after yourself and each other
- A message from the Vice-Chancellor
- Experiments at home: health and safety for research staff
- Leadership and Diversity in Higher Education survey
- Use new VPN for secure working
- Supporting NHS on COVID-19
- UoR Learn: resources for remote working
- #wearetogether: working with NHS and our communities
- #wearetogether: RBH looking for volunteers
- Easter closure, 9-13 April 2020
- Winners announced for University Collaborative Awards for Teaching & Learning 2020
- #wearetogether: University donates surplus food
- #WeAreTogether: colleague gives back to community
- Procurement and invoice updates
- Sustainability - University on track to meet carbon emissions target
- #LockdownClimateChange: impact of COVID-19 on carbon footprint
- Suspension of 2020/1 University Research Fellowship Competition
- What's working like for you?
- Health and Life Sciences building update
- New ways of working - access to campus
- Join us for the VC's briefing sessions
- Vice-Chancellor's summer term update
- Head of School vacancy: Institute of Education
- RUSU Excellence Awards winners announced
- Update on REF 2021 contingency planning
- New University Strategy unveiled
- Coronavirus: minute's silence at 11:00
- Online courses on effective remote working and change
- What's working like for you?
- Academic Tutor System survey invitation
- What's working like for you?
- New ways of working and wellbeing
- #WeAreTogether - taking SCUBA online
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- Summer term VC briefings
- New Museums and Collections portal launches
- National Day of Staff Networks
- Spotlight on Success: March/April 2020
- Teaching and Learning Enhancement Projects award winners 2020
- Staying healthy at home
- Update on University's plans for furloughing
- Planning our phased return to campus
- Today's announcement about government support for universities
- University Council Nominations Call
- Parent and Family Network online coffee morning
- NUIST 60th Anniversary
- What's working like for you?
- Update on planning for 2020/21 academic year
- Student support fund update
- Student Wellbeing Toolkit resource
- #WeAreTogether - live drawing online
- Update on student recruitment
- Join us for IDAHOBIT Day events
- What's working like for you?
- Resources for Remote Working
- Free online course supports young people during COVID-19
- Research Engagement and Impact Awards winners announced
- Join the University of Reading Virtual Band and Choir
- IDAHOBIT Day: virtual flag raising ceremony
- What's working like for you?
- Digital Accessibility webinars this week
- Vice-Chancellor's April 2020 report to Senate
- Health and Life Sciences building update
- Spinning plates: Parent and Family Network coffee morning
- Wellbeing webinar this afternoon
- Be Kind: Mental Health Awareness Week
- Interdisciplinary Research Centres briefing
- Note from DTS on using the VPN
- Update on Teaching and Learning for 2020/21 academic year
- What's working like for you?
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor
- Paul Inman appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
- Celebrating two years of JUMP
- Voting open for Council election
- Academic tutor system survey invitation
- Carol Fuller appointed Head of IoE
- Register for Vice-Chancellor's briefing
- Spotlight on Success: May 2020
- Career Smart: online course for students
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- Staff Forum lends a Friendly Ear
- Keeping in touch with student leavers
- What's working like for you?
- What's working like for you?
- Reading Internships Scheme success
- Updates to Annual Leave Policy
- Update on phased return
- Black lives matter - it's our job to do something about it
- Register for Vice-Chancellor's briefing
- BAME Network: Help us Breathe
- Vice-Chancellor's briefing session summary
- University Council election result
- Survey: Leadership and Diversity in Higher Education
- Get Heard: Staff Forum wants to hear from you
- Parent and Family Network: online coffee morning
- Changes to road, cycling and pedestrian provisions in Reading
- Black Lives Matter: this is about all of us
- Volunteer for virtual Open Days
- What's working like for you?
- Staff Disability Network virtual coffee morning
- How the move to Teams is helping colleagues
- IT Service Desk unavailable Friday afternoon
- Reminder: IT Service Desk unavailable from 16:00
- Post-COVID-19 Response Programme update
- Council agrees Post-COVID-19 Response Programme
- Mental Health Awareness and Imposter Syndrome courses
- What's working like for you?
- Teaching and Research capacity for the 2020/21 academic year
- #WeAreTogether: The Reading graduates at the forefront of tackling COVID-19
- Invitation to participate in 2020 Staff Survey
- What's working like for you?
- External Incoming and Outbound Calls Issue
- Staff Forum Drop-in Sessions
- A message from the Vice-Chancellor
- Vice-Chancellor: Stand united in mourning and solidarity at 10:00 today
- Reminder to participate in 2020 Staff Survey
- Graduate Outcomes Data available
- Strong turnout for Virtual Open Days
- LGBT+ Network: books, allies and marvellous managers
- External Incoming and Outbound Calls Issue
- 2020 University Teaching Fellowship winners
- Vice-Chancellor's report to Senate: June 2020
- Welcome to our Assisted Recording Rooms in Palmer
- Royal Meteorological Society Award winners
- What's working like for you?
- Share your thoughts in the 2020 Staff Survey
- Health and Life Sciences building update
- Spotlight on Success: July 2020
- What's working like for you?
- Join us for the VC's briefing sessions
- Postponement of Graduation ceremonies to 2021
- Last chance to complete 2020 Staff Survey
- Update on consultation with UCU and Staff Forum
- Acting Fire Warden Phased Return Training
- Reminder to join us for the VC's briefing sessions
- Library Click and Collect service
- Reminder: access to campus
- Art students produce virtual exhibition
- Plans for Welcome and Study Smart
- Vice-Chancellor's recent briefing sessions
- University lecturer wins Orwell Prize
- Installation of new sculpture on campus
- #WeAreTogether: ArtLab in lockdown
- Register for additional VC briefing sessions
- Travelling on behalf of the University on business
- Drawing Diversity: artist-in-residence project
- National Student Survey results 2020
- Updated COVID-19 financial impact model
- Focus group invitation: University Review of Race Equality
- Progress update on our phased return to campus
- Register for VC briefing sessions
- Working from home support: new courses
- New DTS status page
- Consultation Survey from the Staff Forum
- Applications invited for Aurora women's leadership programme
- Prof Parveen Yaqoob to chair Athena Swan oversight committee
- BA Primary Education with Art Y3 Online Exhibition
- Careers awarded National AGCAS Award for Excellence 2020
- Class of 2020 Virtual Celebrations
- VC shares progress on Post-COVID-19 Response Programme
- Dol.cHe Vita to reopen 3 August 2020
- Getting ready for Autumn Term Teaching
- Register for August VC briefing sessions
- Disabilities, COVID-19, Higher Education and Future Neurodiversity
- 2020 staff survey results
- Spotlight on Success: August 2020
- Changes to Notices section of staff portal
- Online Reading Lists: improved editing interface
- New date for August VC briefing session
- Staff Disability Network: considerations for Disabled staff during COVID-19 and post-lockdown
- Funding available for diversity and inclusion initiatives
- 2020 National Teaching Fellows announced
- Update on the Staff Forum Consultation survey
- Register for VC briefing session this Friday
- Register for VC briefing session
- Update on the race equality review
- Clearing, Adjustment and Confirmation hotline
- Changes to Whiteknights building addresses
- Login changes from 1 September 2020
- Discover Teams Live on 20 August
- Post-COVID-19 Response Programme update
- Study spaces on campus reopening
- New TV studio plan for University of Reading film hub
- Consultation update: proposal agreed with UCU and Staff Forum
- Consultation proposal: video now available
- Reminder: login changes from 1 September 2020
- Reminder: funding available for diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Welcome Week 2020: FAQs for staff
- Changes to Library Click & Collect service
- Pharmacy Professor named PhD Supervisor of the Year
- Update on Confirmation and Clearing 2020
- Reminder: changes to Whiteknights building addresses
- Building access changes from 1 September
- You can't spell empowerment without women!
- University's first virtual careers fair a great success
- NHS support guides for students
- Network downtime on Wednesday 2 September
- No increase in parking charges in 2020/21
- Reminder: login changes from 1 September 2020
- Annual leave: reminder of revised arrangements
- Study Smart online course now open
- Reminder: network downtime on Wednesday 2 September
- Register for VC briefing session
- Reminder: login changes from 1 September 2020
- University Catering venues set to reopen
- REF 2021: Personal Circumstances and Update in submission
- Vice-Chancellor briefing session, 9 September 2020
- Reminder: changes to Whiteknights building addresses
- T&L Showcase courses focus on autumn term teaching
- T&L Showcase courses focus on autumn term teaching
- Reminder: register for Vice-Chancellor briefing session
- Library available for study space
- Dr Allán Laville named runner up in HE Psychology Teacher of the Year
- Health & safety measures in teaching rooms for autumn 2020
- Health and Life Sciences building now complete
- Volunteer for virtual Open Days
- Universities Minister visits Reading
- University Catering venues reopening across campus
- VC Surgery sessions: share your ideas
- Phased return to campus
- Phased return: things to do before you return
- 'Back to Uni' course launches for UG returners and Master's students
- Gaining access to buildings on campus
- The role of Health & Safety Co-ordinators in our phased return
- Working remotely in the autumn term
- International Foodie Thursday Market returns 24 September
- International Foodie Thursday Market returns to Whiteknights
- Got something to share for #DiverseReading?
- Vice-Chancellor briefing session, 9 September 2020
- PM Commons Statement on COVID-19: update for colleagues
- Message from Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Research and Innovation
- Autumn term guidance for students
- Guidance on face coverings
- NHS COVID-19 launch and QR codes on campus
- What to do if a student reports they are unwell
- Message from Mark Fellowes: phase 2 update and proposal
- Spotlight on Success: October 2020
- Reminder: changes to Whiteknights building addresses
- Register for the Vice-Chancellor’s briefing session
- Vice-Chancellor's start of term message
- Virtual Open Day this weekend
- DTS Support and Services update
- New University group to tackle challenging graduate market
- Could your research benefit from undergraduate collaboration?
- Hospitality updates: hot food at Park House and Covid-safe menu
- New HEA Fellows & Associate Fellows
- Black History Month – what's on
- Annual leave: reminder of revised arrangements
- Personal Titles Academic Promotion Process 2020/21
- Vice-Chancellor's report to Senate: September 2020
- The University and the ‘Rule of Six’
- Central Induction for new starters moves online
- The Student Voice & Partnership project at Reading: Resources now available
- COVID-19 update 1: Autumn term 2020
- October online public lectures
- World Mental Health Day: looking after yourself
- Video recording of VC’s session
- Register for the next Vice-Chancellor’s session
- PLanT projects funding scheme open
- Update on UCU ballot and next steps
- Planning for a sustainable future: update from Mark Fellowes
- COVID-19 update 2: Autumn term 2020
- Thursday Food Market
- Recording Rooms available for booking
- Participate in the Race Equality Survey
- Athena SWAN Silver for SBS; Bronze for Henley
- University launches Student Hardship Appeal
- Timetable issue in Outlook
- Want to become a 'Face of Reading'?
- The Senate Committee for the Arts first funding call open
- Race Equality Survey and VC all-staff briefing
- Share your views in the Race Equality Survey
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2021
- UoR REDCap now available for researchers
- New support for digital research in Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences
- Recording of Vice-Chancellor's Race Equality Review briefing session
- If Not Now, Then When? In Conversation with Rob Neil OBE
- Learning from... Joanna Abeyie MBE
- If Not Now, Then When? In Conversation with Rob Neil OBE
- UoR Music activities return to campus
- Leadership Development for BAME colleagues
- COVID-19 Update: Advice on eating in shared office space
- COVID-19: Questions about placements
- Additional Christmas closure days
- Want to become a 'Face of Reading'?
- COVID-19 Update: Indoor testing facility to open at London Road campus
- Next Vice-Chancellor session: register now
- Student Fire Safety Week: 26 October-1 November
- Celebrating Teaching and Learning 2020
- National Teaching Fellowship and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence
- Voluntary redundancy scheme now open
- Learning from... Joanna Abeyie MBE
- Faces of Reading: submissions wanted by 31 October 2020
- Spotlight on Success: November 2020
- Redemption: a poem by Alex Ojo
- Video available for 'If not now, then when?'
- Voluntary Redundancy Scheme: Frequently Asked Questions
- PLanT Projects funding scheme open for applications
- Important update on COVID-19: new government lockdown measures
- Event highlights: November
- UK’s departure from European Union: an update from Brexit Working Group
- Update on the upcoming lockdown: new Department for Education guidance
- Online public lecture and diversity webinars
- COVID-19 Update: University's proposed approach to lockdown
- Funding secured for Erasmus activities in Europe and beyond
- Could your research benefit from undergraduate collaboration?
- Video and summary of VC’s briefing on Phase-1
- Leadership Development for BAME colleagues
- Armistice Day event on Microsoft Teams
- Parent and Family Network online coffee morning
- Reading Climate Festival this week
- Vice-Chancellor's report to Senate, October 2020
- Important COVID-19 update: message from the Major Response Team
- University 2020-21 Diversity & Inclusion Calendar
- Vice-Chancellor all-staff briefing session, 18 November 2020
- COVID-19 Case Management Team: What we've learned so far
- Student COVID Review report
- Wishing you a happy Diwali
- International Research Studentships: applications open
- COVID-19 FAQ: New government lockdown guidance and measures (5 November – 2 December)
- Reminder: VC all-staff briefing session, 18 November 2020
- Update from Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
- Voluntary redundancy scheme closes Friday
- Celebrating our trans community
- COVID-19 update: end of term and student travel for winter break
- Reminder: Transgender Day of Remembrance, 20 November
- Upcoming events: race equality, global nutrition and the tricky private sector
- UoRovision Song Contest 2020
- Note from DTS on using the VPN
- Student Sunday Live!
- Glow: exploring the light & the dark
- Applications now open for Research Output Prize 2021
- University adopts Sunflower scheme for highlighting invisible disabilities
- Video available for VC all-staff briefing session, 18 November 2020
- Important update on COVID-19: University to launch on-campus rapid testing
- Parent and Family Network online events
- Message from John Brady: update on cost saving options
- COVID-19 update: Bookings open for non-symptomatic testing on campus
- DTS survey: share your thoughts on digital support
- Join our Women@Reading Network
- Successful completion of the Academic Tutor System project
- UK’s exit from EU – update by Brexit Working Group
- Spotlight on Success: December 2020
- Events Highlights: December 2020
- COVID update: Reading to enter Tier 2 restrictions
- Problem with DTS 6262 phone number
- Reminder: VC all-staff briefing session, 1 December 2020
- Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Funding
- COVID-19 FAQ: Phased reopening of campus
- December Class of 2020 virtual celebrations
- Graduate Outcomes sector level data available
- #UORWAY: keep fit with the SportsPark Couch to Christmas Challenge
- Library news: changes to e-resources access from 14 December
- Submissions wanted for Disability and Neurodiversity Research Showcase
- Applications open for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme
- New government guidance on students returning to campus in the spring
- Get Together, Apart: online social events wherever you are
- UoR appointments to REF panels
- Recruitment for Research and Teaching & Learning Deans
- The Earl of Wessex visits University
- Invitation to Winter Wellbeing Webinar, 11 December 2020
- Important update on Race Equality Review
- Future Global Engagement at University of Reading
- Women@Reading Network: Understanding Stress and Building Resilience
- Opportunities to develop your leadership skills
- Teaching and COVID testing in spring term
- All-staff briefing, 17 December 2020
- Research Output Prize 2021: apply by 8 January
- PLanT Projects Scheme award winners 2020/21
- 'Be A Mate' alcohol-awareness campaign
- Proposals invited for the Research Endowment Trust Fund Open Call
- COVID-19 test bookings for January now open
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor: thank you and merry Christmas
- Disability History Month panel discussion this week
- Library: changes to e-resources log-in process
- Reminder: all-staff briefing session, 17 December 2020
- Festive videos and messages for our University community
- A Digital Era: supporting students with the Digital Support Fund
- Sharing T&L practice through Staff Showcases (recordings available)
- Christmas closure 2020: everything you need to know
- Shinfield Studios deal helps University achieve its goals
- The MyName project: wearing our names with pride
- Henley has heart: a spotlight on Henley Africa
- Update from MRT: Reading to enter Tier 3 restrictions from Saturday 19 December
- COVID-19 FAQs: Return in spring term and January teaching
- Video available for VC all-staff briefing session, 17 December 2020
- Prime Minister announces stricter COVID-19 restrictions
- Update from MRT: New Tier 4 restrictions
- Update from MRT: Government announcement about start of Spring term