Whiteknights utilities project underway
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
The University's substantial programme of new construction on the Whiteknights Campus means that we have to support this development with an infrastructure that can provide the services that need to go with our new and updated buildings.
New Building Regulations, the anticipated Reading & Wokingham Borough Council planning requirements, the future Carbon legislation and the future linking of HEFCE capital funding to Carbon consumption are also drivers behind the need to update our services.
The first part of this work has already been completed with the installation of a new primary substation at Earley Gate and the distribution network around the campus. Facilities Management will be continuing this work - the Whiteknights Utilities Project - over the next few years which will mean that trenches will need to be dug to carry the ducting around the campus to carry data communication such as IT, CCTV and fire alarms has just begun with completion expected end of May 2010.
Trenching within the campus will be separately managed in segments so as to minimise disruption to pedestrians and vehicles. Trenches will be back filled as the work progresses
On Thursday 25 March, the construction company, Willis will be ready to cross the pedestrian crossing by the Physics Building and will need to close the road. Car park 8 will still be accessible but other routes such as deliveries to Cedars and the shops will be diverted. Car park 10 and parking in front of Physics will still be open and accessed via the diversion.
Over the weekend 27 - 28 March the trench will be dug across Queens Drive outside the Whiteknights Building. Buses will be diverted through Pepper Lane and exit via Chancellor's Way
The route of the communications duct is shown on this drawing
If you require more information please contact Adrian Richardson, by telephone on 0118 378 7025 or email a.j.richardson@reading.ac.uk or Mike Evans