Calling all staff involved in digital communication
Monday, 24 May 2010
The University's Digital Development team are inviting everyone with an involvement or interest in the University's digital presence - no matter what your level of skill or knowledge - to join the new Digital Development Forum
Boost your knowledge of digital media (such as the web) by joining our forum. If you use digital media to communicate with your audience, have you ever wondered:
- is anyone looking at the content I'm publishing? How can I make sure it's worth the time I'm spending on it?
- where can I pick up tips on how to create engaging copy, good layout, great images, and quality audio and video?
- what do I need to know about other channels, such as mobile, HTML newsletters, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter?
- how do I find out about how I should use all the available systems and technologies, such as CMS, Wikis, etc?
- who do I talk to if I've got an fantastic new idea, a proposal, or some important feedback?
The University's Digital Development team are inviting everyone with an involvement or interest in the University's digital presence - no matter what your level of skill or knowledge - to join the new Digital Development Forum. Through a series of talks, seminars, and workshops the forum will provide the opportunity for members to:
- improve digital skills and knowledge
- keep up with what's going on and what's coming up
- share knowledge, ideas, and best practice with colleagues
- contribute to the development of the University's digital presence
We are currently anticipating that there will be several ‘special interest groups' within the Forum to look at areas such as mobile or CMS, and some workshops to look at areas such as search engine optimisation or writing for the web. But this all depends on what you want - this will be YOUR forum and we'd like you to help shape it over time.
Free lunch
We are also hoping - yet to be confirmed! - that we will be able to run Forum events over lunchtimes and provide you with free sandwiches, tea, and coffee.
Reply today - and be part of the University's digital future
Registering your interest is easy - reply now and write something quick like ‘count me in!' and then we'll contact you in due course with further details and a date for the first event. And if you decide at a later date that it's not for you, that's no problem - you can always opt out again (though we'll be sorry to see you go).
We look forward to hearing from you. The Digital Development team, Whiteknights House