Public lecture: Is the British Parliament above the law?
Sunday, 05 December 2010
Is the British Parliament above the law? It would be hoped that the answer was no, surely, but are there limits to the types of things that Parliament can do by legislation?
In the light of recent political events such as the MP's expenses debacle, the creation of a new Supreme Court, and the formation of a new coalition government, these are timely question that will be considered in the next Public Lecture.
Dr Stuart Lakin from the School of Law will address these issues on Wednesday 8 December in his Public Lecture entitled 'Post election reflections'.
Dr Lakin is currently researching and writing on the law/constitutional convention dichotomy and the principle of legality in the context of administrative law and will bring his expert knowledge of British constitutional theory and practice to what promises to be another excellent lecture in the Series.
Lectures are free to attend and no ticket is required. Please visit the public lecture series website for more details or contact Laura Walsh on 0118 378 4313 or email
The next lecture in the series is entitled: 'The brains behind business - what neuroscience can tell us about business failure and success'. on Wednesday 9 February 2011