Have your say on University catering
Wednesday, 06 April 2011
'Your feedback will help us to adapt to the changes in customer demands and help shape our future business plans.'
Commercial Services are pleased to announce the launch of its first online customer satisfaction survey, which aims to find out what you think of the catering services that are provided on the University campuses.
The team want to find out when and how each of the outlets is used, and how you rate the value for money and customer service that is on offer. There is also a chance to give your comments and suggestions on any University catering related issues.
Martin Batt, Snacking and Impulse Manager, said: "This is a great opportunity to have your say, and to tell us your views on the catering services that are offered around the University. Your feedback will help us to adapt to the changes in customer demands and help shape our future business plans. We strive to improve the level of service and range of products to meet the demands of our customers across our outlets."
By completing the online survey you are in with a chance of winning a meal for two at the new Blandford's restaurant in Park House. The winner will be drawn after the 15 April 2011 so make sure you have your say before then.