Launch of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme 2012
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
ÔÇÿIÔÇÖd recommend the UROP process to other researchers. It was very rewarding and the research made significant progress over the timeframe.ÔÇÖ
The University's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) provides exciting opportunities for undergraduates to work with academic staff on University research projects.
UROP placements are highly regarded by staff as they provide an opportunity to develop new research ideas or fund a discrete section of an existing project. As a member of academic staff, a UROP placement could make a significant contribution to your research and help develop your undergraduate students.
"The project...provided a stimulus to me and ‘kick started' the project. I have been extremely impressed by the programme." Professor Carl Stychin, Law
"I'd recommend the UROP process to other researchers. It was very rewarding with such a motivated and diligent student and the research made significant progress over the timeframe." Dr Ellie Francis-Brophy, Institute of Education
For students the placements help them gain important skills that can help with further research or by improving their CV.
The 2012 UROP scheme is now open for applications for undergraduate research placements across the University. Building on the success of previous years, the scheme is expanding to offer 50 placements, funded for six weeks over the 2012 summer break.
Students who undertake a UROP placement gain a unique insight into the research process and receive a bursary of £200 a week.
UROP is managed jointly by SEECC and CDoTL and the information needed to apply can be found in the staff section of the UROP website >>>
An information session for prospective projects will be held on Wednesday 9 November, to register your interest or for further information contact:
The deadline for project proposals is Friday 25 November 2011.