Switch off and be safe for Christmas
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Just as you are looking forward to going home and taking a break for the Christmas holidays make sure all your electrical equipment gets a break too. The University spends over £3 million in electricity every year. Last year, we managed to reduce holiday period electricity consumption by 38% compared to a normal day in December.
However this still accounted for a Christmas Day electricity bill of over £5,600!
The University will be shut for 11 days over the Christmas period meaning that if we can achieve the same savings as last year, we will save £28,600. Let's try and beat that and save even more this year!
This is a great opportunity to demonstrate how personal contributions can lead to significant energy and financial savings for the University.
There are many easy steps you can take to reduce electricity consumption in your department or building over the Christmas break. For instance, turning off a computer could save approximately £4.70 over the shut down period. For help with identifying other equipment that can be turned off and communicating it to colleagues, please download our Shut down planner >>> (opens in Word).
If you come across any equipment that you feel should be turned off but you are unable to do so, the Environment, Energy and Sustainability Team (EEST) like to hear about it at eest@reading.ac.uk. If you find any lights on that don't need to be, why not take a picture and post it here: http://snapitoff.nus.org.uk
Please also heed advice from the University's Security Team over the vacation:
- Secure all windows and lock all doors
- Where possible, move all valuable items away from windows
- Close blinds
- Lock away as many valuable items as possible
- Keep all keys locked away in a safe place
- If your building has an alarm, ensure it is in good working order and set for the duration
- Ensure all access control systems are programmed to remain locked throughout the closure period
- Bank all cash
- Ensure vending machines are emptied. Consider placing notices on vending machines, stating that the machines are emptied on a daily basis
- Property mark any new items. It won't stop them being stolen, but it will make them less attractive to thieves. For further information, please contact Rhiann Davies, Head of Security on ext. 6967
- Remove all equipment from University vehicles before parking them in car park 5. Please leave vehicle keys with Security Control. Please try to collect them by 08:30 on the morning of 3 January
- Update Security Control with any changes to your emergency call-out arrangements
- If you do come into work over the closure period, please inform Security Control when you arrive and also when you leave.
Security Control contact details:
Enquiries: (0118) 378 7799
Emergencies: (0118) 378 6300
E-mail: securitycontrol@reading.ac.uk