Authorised access only to Whiteknights on 27 & 28 December
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
The University will be closing off access to the Whiteknights campus to everyone except authorised personnel on 27 and 28 December 2012.
The closure is designed to protect the University's interests and reinforce the fact that there are no public rights on the campus site other than the public footpath route (Earley Gate to Chancellor's Way on Shinfield Road).
Dates during the University Christmas closure period have been chosen to minimise disruption to staff and students.
Access, if needed, over those two days must be arranged through Security in advance, in line with normal out of hours' procedures. Access will only be possible through the Earley Gate or main Shinfield Road entrances. All other vehicle and pedestrian accesses will be closed.
The Sports Park and its associated car park will remain open for staff, students and the local community as usual on these two days (12:00 - 20:00) and will be outside the campus closure zone.
Staff needing to access other parts of campus will need to bring identification with them and we would also ask that no family, guests or visitors should accompany staff onto campus on those two days.
There will be security on the gates at Queen's Drive and Earley Gate on 27 and 28 December. There will be no access through the Pepper Lane entrance. Fencing will be in place across all vehicle and pedestrian access routes. While the public footpath which runs from Earley Gate to Chancellor's Way will remain open, it will only allow access to cross from one side of the campus to the other. It will be fenced to prevent any access onto the campus itself.
Reading Buses routes 20 and 21 will not access the campus on these two dates and will go around the outside of the campus along Pepper Lane and Shinfield Road.
As usual, access to the campus over the Christmas period is by arrangement with Security. Security control room can be reached on 0118 378 7799.