Working together to improve lives
Tuesday, 01 January 2013
Food and Nutritional Sciences is among the key research priorities at Reading. A one-day event on Tuesday will bring together researchers from across the University looking at food, health and ageing.
The Food and Nutrition in Later Life event, on Tuesday 8 January, is free to attend and is designed to be of interest to anybody with a personal or professional interest in food and nutrition for older adults.
The day features talks from experts on research related to ageing and eating well, including how flavour perception changes as we age, novel technologies to assess accurately what people eat and drink, and the design of more accessible packaging.
The afternoon features an interactive ‘hands-on' showcase, with opportunities to participate in a session with a community chef, try some new technologies relating to shopping, packaging, and food preparation, and learn about related products and services for older adults.
The event should be informative and fun, and aims to provide an opportunity to meet and network with others with interests in ageing, food and nutrition.
The event is free to attend, and is open to all. Refreshments and lunch are provided.
To register, please visit kt-equal website, email Pat Parslow on, or phone +44 (0) 118 378 6536.