Opportunities for postgraduates at PhD Research Conference 2013
Wednesday, 06 March 2013
Once again the inaugural PhD Research Conference will take place on Friday 14 June 2013 from 13.30-17.00 pm.
This year PHD students have the opportunity to enter two graduate school competitions: the three minute thesis and research poster competitions, with both offering a prize of £100!
The Three Minute Thesis Competition invites Reading PhD students to engage, inspire and entertain an academic audience (consisting of delegates to the PhD Research Conference) with a summary of their PhD research. To submit an entry, you will need to submit a talk title and research summary on an application form by 8 March 2013.
The Research Poster Competition gives you a chance to visualise your research, and practise the skills necessary for PHD research such as the opportunity to present information in a clear, coherent and concise way to those outside your field. The competition requires you to showcase a poster of your research and entrants must submit their poster title and a PDF of their poster by 22 March 2013. Shortlisted posters will be displayed at the PHD Research Conference.
It is worth noting that these competitions not only offer a prize of £100 each, but will also provide you with the chance to win recognition for your research work.
The PHD Research Conference, an event for both University of Reading PhD students and supervisors, will showcase doctoral research excellence from across the University. As a professional development opportunity, this conference can be considered an RRDP course and therefore can count towards your required number of sessions for the academic year.
For more information on either the conference or the competitions please visit The Graduate School website