Update on MOOCs progress
Sunday, 14 April 2013
We are delighted to report we have had a great deal of interest from academics across the University in the Futurelearn Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) initiative. A number of criteria have been used to select areas to potentially be produced as the first wave of MOOCs due to be launched late summer and delivered by Futurelearn.
The seven areas currently being considered are:
- Agriculture/Social Change and development
- Begin programming - and build a mobile game
- Causes and consequences of obesity
- Climate change - risks and opportunities
- Effective Academic English
- Managing Human resources
- Molecular basis of disease
NB - these are not necessarily the final titles of each course.
Any areas that are not delivered in the summer will be considered for delivery in the 2nd wave of MOOCs which will be in early 2014.
A workshop is taking place this Friday (19 April) for those people who have been asked to propose potential courses, and it is hoped by mid May to have prioritised two areas to take forward for production. Further updates will be provided when there is more information to share.
If you have any questions or ideas for future courses we could deliver, please join the open group ‘MOOCs General Discussion' on Yammer.
For more information about Futurelearn and MOOCs, please see the pdf