Vice-Chancellor's address to Senate - June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell gave his address to Senate on 27 June 2013. His speech covered a wide range of subjects including a firm focus on the University's emerging strategy, which is being designed to provide direction for the institution over the coming years as it approaches the 100th anniversary of chartered status in 2026.
Sir David outlined three themes that crystallise some of the University's future aspirations as well as the work streams that will be needed to translate these high level themes into practical steps.
The V-C also provided members of Senate with an update on the development of University of Reading Malaysia, an assessment of this week's Government's Spending Review and the latest picture of student application figures.
The Senate is one of the three main bodies that deliver the governance of the University. Reporting to the Council and meeting at least four times a year, the Senate advises on areas such as student entry, assessment and awards. With around 100 members, the Senate comprises Deans, Heads and elected representatives of Schools, as well as professional staff and students.
Read the full transcript of the Vice-Chancellor's address to Senate >>>