Research grants and contracts July 2013
Monday, 09 September 2013
The total amount of money awarded to the University in research grants and contracts in July was £5,680,170.
The grants awarded ranged from £500 to £1,099,650, and this money came from a number of national and international sources including the European Commission, UK Government, research councils, industry, other research institutions and charitable trusts.
Rod Vaughan from the Agricultural and Food Investigation team received £740,397 from Defra for ‘Farm business survey 2012/2013', and this was one of the largest single awards for July. The Farm Business Survey (FBS) is one of the longest running Government surveys and is its key research programme for monitoring changes in the economics of agriculture in England.
The survey serves to meet a substantial part of the Government's commitment to deliver data to the European Union's Farm Accountancy Data Network - analysis of financial and physical data relating to upwards of 500 farms in England.
The survey is undertaken by Research Officers involving them in on-farm interviews and the completion of farm business management records.
Outputs from the survey are the primary source of information for agricultural policy makers both within and outside Government. Other uses of the data is for teaching and research and is also accessed by a wide range of land based stakeholders and is valued for its independence and long running uninterrupted time series of research findings.
A comprehensive list of Research Awards from September 2011 to date is available to staff (you will need your University username and password to access this page) via the Research and Enterprise website.