University gains Carbon Trust Standard award once more
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
The University has been officially awarded the Carbon Trust Standard for the second time. This recognises our achievements in continually reducing our carbon emissions, as well as our commitment to reducing carbon emissions year on year through robust energy management practices.
The Carbon Trust Standard is a mark of excellence that has been awarded to the University in recognition of measuring, managing and reducing our carbon emissions and demonstrates our commitment to reducing carbon emissions year on year.
The Carbon Trust Standard shows people which organisations have genuinely committed to on-going emission reductions.
The bar has been raised over the first certification as the report now requires us to record all business related travel.
Some of the projects that have enabled us to get the Carbon Trust Standard include:
- Installation of efficient lighting and lighting controls.
- Improved insulation in many buildings
- Installation of and modernisation of building controls systems.
- Energy awareness and behavioural change initiatives including Green Impact, Sustainability road shows and Green Weeks
Projects are already well underway for further reductions in 2013/14, with over £1 million earmarked for investment in continued energy saving initiatives that will ensure further progress towards our 35% carbon reduction target by 2016.