Recent research grants and contracts awarded to the University
Monday, 09 December 2013
Millions of pounds have been awarded to the University in research grants and contracts recently. The grants awarded ranged from £4,088 to £872,836, and this money came from a number of national and international sources including UK Government departments, the European Commission, research councils, industry, other research institutions and charitable trusts.
Two of the largest recent grants were awarded to:
Professor Rainer Cramer from Chemistry who received £631,381 from EPSRC for ‘Development of a Novel MALDI Mass Spectrometer and Technology for the Generation of Multiply Charged Ions at High Sensitivity'.
This project will develop a new Mass Spectrometer technology that will significantly widen its application range, enabling new and more powerful analytical strategies. The project will result in a prototype instrument and methodology that can easily be commercialised. It is thought that that this will have significant impact in many areas from academia and industry to the public health sector and thus society at large.
Dr Julie Hawkins, School of Biological Sciences, received €872,836 from the European Commission for the project ‘Phylogenetic exploration of medicinal plant diversity'. The project's scientific aim is to develop new approaches and technologies for selection of plants with potential as drugs, and for the safe and sustainable use of plant resources as medicines. The project focuses on training young researchers in the areas of biodiversity-driven drug lead discovery and the medicinal use of plants.
A comprehensive list of Research Awards from September 2011 to date is available to staff (you will need your University username and password to access this page) via the Research and Enterprise web pages