The University Alumni Profile Directory is for you to use
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
The University has over one hundred Alumni Profiles in a Directory created by the Campaigns and Supporter Engagement Office that can be used by all departments in a number of ways.
The profiles highlight to prospective and current students the excellent experience past students have had at Reading and what they have gone on to achieve with their degree.
Ruhi Singh, Alumni Relations Officer, said: "We created the Alumni Profiles Project in order to give schools and departments banks of testimonials about what their alumni have gone on to achieve, post-graduation.
"Each profile is set out in an interview format to help alumni articulate their story in a concise way. Questions include why students chose Reading and how the University has helped them in their careers."
How can the profiles be used?
Over 2,000 students will be graduating from the University on Thursday and Friday of this week. Use these profiles to showcase the value of their degree.
After Graduation make use of the Profiles:
- on departmental websites
- on social media
- in emails to students
- in emails to offer holders
- printed out and pinned to notice boards
- in a poster format at Open Days