Reading launches new obesity MOOC - and calls for 2015 course proposals
Monday, 07 April 2014
Obesity is a global epidemic. As the world gets fatter, we begin to see its impact across many aspects of day-to-day life.
The University of Reading is launching a free online course to explore the impact cheap, high-calorie fast food, sedentary lifestyles and changing modes of transport is having on modern life.
Obesity: causes and consequences will go live on 9 June - and participants can sign up online now.
It is Reading's fourth MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) announced by FutureLearn, the online learning platform set up by the Open University.
The four-week course is aimed at anyone with an interest in understanding obesity and health, but will also be of benefit to healthcare professionals. The University also offers a five-day Certificate in Obesity Management for healthcare professionals.
Sign up for 'Obesity: causes and consequences' >>>
The University's first MOOC, Begin programming attracted over 45,000 participants, 18,853 signed up for A beginners' guide to writing in English, and over 5,000 people have registered for Managing people which begins in May.
There are further three courses in development, which have not yet opened for enrolment, from: Biological Sciences; Agriculture, Policy and Development; and the Walker Institute.
Second wave of MOOCs
Following the success of Reading MOOCs so far, the MOOC team are looking for expressions of interest for a second wave of courses for 2015-16.
Please submit a brief (no more than one sheet of A4) proposal covering:
- A brief description of the course content.
- Why you believe there are large numbers of people that will be interested in pursuing a short course in this area,
- What the benefit for the University and the School(s)/Unit will be for developing a FutureLearn course in that area, including how this may complement existing courses/work, and how this may help future recruitment or other work,
- Briefly how you will be able to measures of success, for example a predicted impact on recruitment.
- The support available within the School(s)/Unit, and any possible external support,
- Brief details of the lead person; and any names of other team members already identified.
Decisions will be based on this information and how it fits with the University strategy.
Informal queries can be made to: Shirley Williams ( or Julian Park (
Forms should be submitted via email to the MOOCs team ( with the subject line "Second Wave of FutureLearn Courses" by 5pm on Friday 25 April 2014.