University to pilot race equality charter mark
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
The University is delighted to have been chosen as one of 30 institutions taking part in a national trial for the new race equality charter mark.
The charter mark, being developed by the Equality Challenge Unit, aims to mirror the success of its Athena SWAN Charter for Women and Science and the gender equality charter mark in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
The pilot will inform the full roll-out in 2015.
It is part of the University's plans to develop further as a truly multi-cultural and inclusive organisation - where all staff and students, irrespective of their faith, ethnicity or nationality, feel they have a stake, are confident that their voices will be heard, and are given equal opportunities to progress.
The decision to apply to join the trial stemmed from experience gained from a number of smaller discrete projects related to issues of ethnicity, faith and culture. The trial will provide a valuable framework to bring these and other important strands of race equality agenda together, and to develop a university-wide strategy.
The charter mark trial will establish a representative self-assessment team, surveying staff and students, and producing an action plan to guide racial equality work over the coming years.
Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell said: "We have much to be proud of when it comes to promoting equality and diversity in our own institution. Equally though, we cannot be complacent. There are aspects of our performance in terms of race equality that we need to address. So, working through the Race Equality Charter Mark criteria will give an appropriate and timely focus to our efforts."
BME Student Attainment Project lead Dr Kevin Waldie said: "It will provide the opportunity to engage with staff and students bringing new voices and fresh perspectives to a frank and open conversation about ethnicity and identity."
Anyone interested in being involved in the charter mark team should contact either Deputy Director of Human Resources Ruth Busby or Dr Patricia (Paddy) Woodman