Disclosure and Barring Service checks for students and staff now online
Monday, 30 March 2015
The University has just launched a new online service for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for both students and staff, via GB Group, an online service provider. Students undertaking certain programmes of study or voluntary work, and staff in particular roles where they come into regular unsupervised contact with children or adults in regulated activity are required, by law, to have a DBS check. Using an online service will ensure faster turnaround times, safe and secure processing and is much simpler and more straightforward to use and understand. The online system will also allow easier, more transparent tracking of applications, and enable us to obtain DBS certificates in a more timely and effective manner, improving the process and providing more flexibility.
If you would like more information about using the new online service, please contact Caroline Hobson, HR Operations Manager, on c.hobson@reading.ac.uk