Start of term travel and parking information
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
As campus and the surrounding area get busier at the start of term, there is extra pressure on parking in streets surrounding the University. If you bring a car to the University, please park on campus. Parking permits are available to all staff; permit costs are salary-related and are reduced by 50% for part time staff. Even the most expensive only equate to £3.70 per week - less than 3hrs at The Oracle.
Our neighbours are finding the level of on street parking very upsetting and it would be great to be able to show them that we value them and are trying to do something to alleviate their problems.
Details about the cost of permits and how to apply for them can be found here:
To provide travel information to our students, who are rarely given parking permits and so need to be encouraged to use other forms of transport, travel packs have already been distributed to departments who requested them last year. The packs contain updated travel posters and leaflets ready for the start of term, so that you can put them up before the arrival of your students. They also contain information about discounts available, cycling, bus and train timetables and travel and sustainability newsletters.
If you would like a pack for your department, please email Karen Stanbridge at
Estates and Facilities are also delighted that the resurfacing of the road from Pepper Lane to Chancellor's Way was finished on budget and several days early and we hope that you can feel the difference. They would like to thank everyone for their patience.