Protect your bike from thieves
Friday, 06 May 2016
It has come to our attention that bike thieves have been operating in the local area, including the University.
Over the past month, Security Services have reported an increase in the number of incidents relating to stolen bicycles or attempted theft.
In the majority of cases, bikes stolen by thieves had been secured with a cable lock. Thieves are known to target these locks as they are relatively easy to break.
Security Services recommend that staff and students secure their bike with a D lock instead, as it is a more effective deterrent against would-be thieves. The D lock is much harder to remove and takes more time, which in turn helps expose any suspicious behaviour that can then be reported to our Security team.
Recent incidents of theft and attempted theft have been reported from:
- The Library
- Harborne Building
- Park Bar and Lounge
- Whiteknights House
- London Road
If you see anyone acting suspiciously around any of the cycle racks, do not approach them– instead, call Security Services on 0118 378 7799 (extension 7799).
Visit the Security Services page for further information and advice.