University mileage policy updates now in effect
Monday, 05 September 2016
The University’s mileage policy has been updated to reflect revised HMRC guidelines on fuel allowances for lease cars.
The changes came into effect on 1 September 2016 and will affect colleagues who have purchased new cars using the University's salary sacrifice scheme.
A new expense claim form (version 2.12) is now available on the Expense Claims page for students, visitors and colleagues who still make use of the Excel form.
For colleagues in departments that are piloting the online expenses module, the rates held in the system have been updated appropriately. The online expense module is planned to be rolled out to all staff from September onwards.
For users of the Excel form, Finance confirm that they will continue to accept the previous version of the form (2.11) up until Friday 23 September 2016. After this, only version 2.12 will be accepted. Claims that have already been submitted using the previous form will be finalised by Accounts Payable over the next 3 weeks before version 2.12 fully comes into effect.
To avoid having your claims rejected for processing, expense forms should always be accessed from the Expense Claims webpage for each claim; please do not reuse a saved copy of the form. If using the Excel form, claims must be typed up as hand written submissions will not be processed.