EMA launch event, Tuesday 14 March
Tuesday, 07 March 2017
A launch event for the University’s new Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA) programme will be held on Tuesday 14 March in the Meadow Suite, Park House, 12.00pm – 1.00pm.
The EMA Team, led by Pro-Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) Professor Gavin Brooks, will outline how the programme aims to deliver the University’s long term vision for online assessment and provide a significantly improved experience for staff and students.
This event is open to all staff. A largely vegetarian lunch, as well as cakes, will be provided. Please email ema@reading.ac.uk to register and confirm any dietary requirements.
New website
A dedicated website for the EMA project launched this week, which includes an overview of the project, resources for staff, plus the latest project news and related events.
Visit www.reading.ac.uk/ema for more information.
The project
Over the next three years, the EMA programme aims to deliver on the University’s long term vision for online assessment - including online submission, grading and feedback.
It has three key objectives:
- Enabling a consistently good student assessment experience
- Providing an improved and supported assessment experience for staff
- Reducing the administrative burden of assessment for the University
To deliver a consistent staff and student experience, it will support the continued move towards online submission, marking and feedback of assessed work; the underlying integration between Blackboard and RISIS; the creation of a student feedback dashboard; and, support further developments in our approach towards learning analytics.
Please e-mail ema@reading.ac.uk if you have any enquiries.