Nominations to Class 5 of the Council
Tuesday, 09 May 2017
Nominations for the election of one member of University staff employed in Grades 6 – 9 to the University Council are now invited.
We are seeking nominations, proposed and seconded by any member of staff in Grade 6 – 9. Nominations should be sent via email to the Returning Officer (the University Secretary, Dr Richard Messer) by 12.00 pm, Friday 26 May 2017. It must be clearly stated that the consent of the nominee has been obtained.
If more than two nominations are proposed and seconded, an election will be held in which all members of Grade 6 - 9 staff would be eligible to vote. At this stage, candidates would be required to provide a short manifesto of no more than 250 words.
The timetable for the election is as follows:
- Tuesday 9 May: Notice of election
- Friday 26 May: Nominations to be received by 12 noon
In the event of the need to proceed to election, the University Secretary will contact nominees to provide their manifestos by no later than 12 noon on Thursday 2 June.
- Monday 5 June: Voting commences
- Monday 19 June: Voting closes at 5.00 pm.
Council is the University's executive governing body and meets at least four times during each academic year. It sets the University's strategic direction, ensures compliance with statutory requirements and approves constitutional changes.
The Council is ultimately responsible for managing the University's estate, finance and staff, with much of the detailed work falling to sub-committees. A broad representation of lay members, drawn from commercial, community and professional organisations, provide the Council with a valuable perspective.
If you have any queries, please contact Dr Richard Messer.