Update: Water supply issues on Reading campuses
Monday, 02 October 2017
Our Reading campuses are currently experiencing problems with the incoming water supply.
A burst water main off campus caused the problem and remedial work is being carried out currently by Thames Water. The supply to the campus has resumed but it may take some time for the water pressure to be back to normal.
In addition, please be aware as repairs are undertaken there is likely to be some further interruption at some stage which may affect our water pressure.
You may notice low water pressure this afternoon. Until the water supply is fully restored, it is recommended that all students and staff limit water use where possible.
If you are aware of any special activities or experiments, dependent on water supply, taking place in your Schools, Departments or Functions and Services, please alert your line manager.
We will provide you with an update once we have further information.
Robert Van de Noort
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Planning and Resource)