Accessible learning: Teaching and Learning for All Symposium, Thursday 12 July
Monday, 09 July 2018
The effective use of technology can play a key role in reducing the barriers to student participation and success. Knowing how and in what ways current technologies can make learning accessible can act as a springboard to inclusive practice that can benefit all students.
On Thursday 12 July, please join us for the Teaching and Learning for All symposium, a special one- day event designed to raise awareness about accessibility and inclusivity in teaching and learning.
Within the context of the Curriculum Framework and the Teaching and Learning Strategy, the symposium will provide practical advice and ideas on how technology can be used to enhance teaching, including using existing accessibility features within Blackboard and Microsoft Office 365.
It will bring together experts in the field off accessibility and inclusion from both within the University and beyond – to view the full programme and to book a place, please visit the Technology Enhanced Learning blog.
If you have any queries, please contact CQSD T&L.