The Loddon Observatory Showcase 2018
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
The Loddon Observatory is hosting the Loddon Observatory Showcase 2018 on 25 September from 12:30am to 4:00pm in Meadow Suite, Park House. This is an opportunity to meet people, learn and share information about ongoing projects in the Loddon catchment around the integrated themes of Water, Environment, Food, Climate, Governance and Heritage with Reading University staff and students and External Partners. Anyone and everyone with an interest is welcome to join as a presenter or participant.
12:30-14:30: Networking and poster lunch. Poster abstracts invited.
14:30-15:00: 3-5min ‘madness’ presentations. Abstracts invited.
15:00-16:00: Oral presentations.
Registration is free and open until 14 September. Lunch included. For abstracts, we are asking for a short summary (100-150 words) that outlines the work and will be included in the Showcase Programme:
Posters and networking session will include:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Chance to see and talk with the people behind some amazing projects carried out by Research Staff, Loddon Catchment Consultancy, Dissertation Students and our External Partners;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Pop up display of historic images and information from MERL archives in and around the Loddon catchment area;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Your chance to contribute to the development of the Loddon Observatory Research Strategy and shape what we work on for the next 5-10 years.
Confirmed speakers include:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Anne Verhoef (Geography & Environmental Science, University of Reading), on monitoring and prediction of pasture quality and productivity from satellites, a project undertaken at the University’s Shinfield Farm;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Jessica Ponting (Geography & Environmental Science, University of Reading), on her PhD project investigating the fate of potentially toxic elements in periodically flooded soils at the Loddon Floodplain Platform;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- Alister Leggatt (Affinity Water) and Amanda Ingham (Arcadian Farm Advice) on their Payment for Ecosystem Services project, developed to incentivise farmers as producers of clean water in catchments at risk of diffuse pollution upstream of drinking water pumping stations.